Programa Leader 2021-2027

Rural Development in the
Salamanca Mountain Ranges

La Asociación para el Desarrollo Rural Integral de las Sierras de Salamanca (ADRISS) actúa como Grupo de Acción Local en el Sur de la provincia de Salamanca, concretamente en las Sierras de Francia, Béjar y municipios limítrofes siendo la actual gestora de los fondos del programa Leadercal 2021-2027.

The EU Rural Development policy (Axis 4 of Regulation (EC) 1698/05) establishes a method called Leader, so that rural society itself can decide its Development Strategy through the action of Local Action Groups.

Each Group manages public funds in a region or area of action, by financing productive or non-productive projects that are in line with the Group's Strategy.

Desde ADRISS, hemos elaborado un mapa con los proyectos subvencionados con los Fondos Leader que gestionamos.

Leader Programme Documents


It is the opening of a business consultancy business in San Esteban de la Sierra (tax, accounting and labour).

It is a service that does not currently exist in the locality or in the surrounding villages, making it a business with great repercussions and social service and with the possibility of long-term maintenance.

The Leader investment has consisted in the adaptation of premises, furniture and computer equipment in order to be able to develop the activity properly.

One job is created and four more are supported.