The Salamanca Mountain Ranges
La Asociación para el Desarrollo Rural Integral de las Sierras de Salamanca, ADRISS, cuyo ámbito de actuación se circunscribe a 78 municipios de las Sierras del Sur de la provincia de Salamanca lleva años trabajando para el desarrollo endógeno y la promoción económica de sus municipios.

Sierras de Béjar y Francia and neighbouring municipalities
The area of action is located in the southeast of the province of Salamanca, in what is known as the southern highlands, bordering the provinces of Cáceres and Ávila. This is stated in Article 4 of its statutes: "The territorial scope of action foreseen for the Association extends to the south-east of the province of Salamanca, and specifically the municipalities belonging to the regions of Sierra de Béjar and Francia and their neighbouring municipalities".
The 78 municipalities grouped together in the Bejar and Francia Mountain Ranges and neighbouring municipalities form a population of 21,232 inhabitants, distributed over a total area of 1,633.25 km², with the largest population centres being La Alberca and Candelario.
It is a terrain marked by a mountainous and difficult orography and a harsh climate, but with clear contrasts within the territory, which has somehow conditioned over the years both communications and infrastructures as well as lifestyles and land use. There is no doubt that these conditions have had an influence on the gradual depopulation of the territory but also on its environmental quality, its landscape diversity, its broad biodiversity, its rich heritage both historic-artistic (eight villages declared historic-artistic sites) and cultural (customs, crafts, folklore...).
Our villages
The territorial scope of action foreseen for the Association extends to the southeast of the province of Salamanca, more specifically, in 78 municipalities belonging to the regions of Bejar and Francia Mountain Ranges and its bordering municipalities.
La Alberca Aldeacipreste Aldeanueva de la Sierra La Bastida El Cabaco La Cabeza de Béjar La Calzada de Béjar Candelario Cantagallo Casafranca Las Casas del Conde Cepeda Cereceda de la Sierra El Cerro Cespedosa de Tormes Cilleros de la Bastida Colmenar de Montemayor Cristóbal Endrinal Escurial de la Sierra Frades de la Sierra Fresnedoso Fuenterroble de Salvatierra Fuentes de Béjar Gallegos de Solmirón Garcibuey Guijo de Ávila Herguijuela de la Sierra Herguijuela del Campo Horcajo de Montemayor La Hoya Lagunilla Ledrada Linares de Riofrío Madroñal El Maillo Miranda del Castañar Mogarraz Molinillo Monforte de la Sierra Monleón Montemayor del Río Navacarros Nava de Béjar Nava de Francia Navalmoral de Béjar Navalmorales Navarredonda de la Rinconada Peñacaballera Peromingo Pinedas Puebla de San Medel Puente del Congosto Puerto de Béjar La Rinconada de la Sierra Sanchotello San Esteban de la Sierra San Martín del Castañar San Miguel de Robledo San Migue de Valero Santibáñez de Béjar Santibáñez de la Sierra Los Santos Sequeros La Sierpe Sorihuela Sotoserrano Tamames El Tejado Tejada y Segoyuela El Tornadizo Valdefuentes de Sangusín Valdehijaderos Valdelacasa Valdelageve Valero Valverde de Valdelacasa Vallejera de Riofrío Villanueva del Conde

Mapa de ADRISS.