The Team
All of us at ADRISS work to achieve a balance between conservation and sustainable development in our villages.

We are in charge of guiding the management of the group and acting as intermediaries between the public administrations and the rural environment.
We support projects, we supervise them, but above all, we promote the practice of local development with the characteristics that are recognised in the European rural area.
We develop and implement new initiatives, with innovation as a principle.
We support, promote and encourage all kinds of cultural and scientific activities related to Sustainable Development, Social Dynamisation and the defence of the Natural, Cultural and Artistic Heritage of the region.
We provide assistance and advice, and are committed to helping the most vulnerable groups.
We believe in training, information and cooperation as a means to boost employment and entrepreneurship.
We are here to generate the endogenous development of the Salamanca Mountain Ranges.
Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common vision.
Technical Management Office
In order to improve the development of the group's management, we have a Technical Management Office made up of 6 workers specialised in the lines of action on which we work.
Juan Bautista Alonso Martín
He comes from Salamanca. His duties are:
- Detect and unite different wills in search of a common objective, to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the Mountain Ranges.
- To outline, update and implement, together with the technical team, Board of Directors and participating partners, the Adriss Strategy in the area.
- Coordinate the Technical Team.
"In the end, in the rural environment, as in any social group, different wills and social profiles coexist, our work aims to focus on creating meeting places where all wills can be expressed to achieve a common goal. And, above all, we believe that we can contribute work to be part of the solution (and not part of the problem) by offering services that make life easier for the greatest number of inhabitants of the Salamanca Mountain Ranges".
Yaiza Vilas Peña
He comes from Carrascal de Barregas. It processes files, informs promoters, carries out the economic justification of subsidies, attends and informs anyone who requests it.
"Any person, company, association or public body interested in the socio-economic development of the territory is welcome in ADRISS. The members, in the assembly and through the board of directors, are the ones who set the strategy of ADRISS, making it possible for our actions to be in line with what the inhabitants of the territory want for their future"..
Soraya García Sánchez
It comes from Escurial de la Sierra.It provides both telephone and face-to-face support to the promoter, manages the LEADER project, monitors the smooth internal functioning of the LAG.
"ADRISS not only helps new entrepreneurs or existing companies, but rather it energizes and promotes the territory at provincial and national level".
J.Berna Ciudad
He comes from Béjar. Among other functions, he is in charge of the land bank carried out by ADRISS and accompanies people who want to bring their entrepreneurial projects to the area.
"ADRISS knows the territory and develops its projects in an integral way, generating interconnected projects that feed each other in such a way that it is able to provide people, companies and institutions with advice whatever their needs may be. To turn to ADRISS is to get help, a contact or a path to follow".
Malena Yepes Bellido
She comes from Navacarros. She is currently working on the rural entrepreneurial woman project.
"ADRISS is very positive because it connects the territory, it dynamises the area so that it can move forward. It enhances the value of both human and natural resources that are so valuable. And it encourages entrepreneurship by helping the inhabitants of the territory to make their projects a reality".
Virginia Hinojal Campos
He comes from Linares de Riofrío. He works on carbon footprint calculation, collaborates with organic producers in Salamanca and develops environmental projects.
«ADRISS is important for the territory because it promotes the sustainable development of the Salamanca Mountain Ranges, stimulating and favoring the settlement of the population with innovative and favorable projects for the territory».
Maider Herrero Ferreiro
He comes from Cepeda. He collaborates with the Revitalizar project and supports the various programmes/projects underway.
"ADRISS enhances the value of the area, supports local development by helping entrepreneurs to stay in the municipalities and revitalise them, and promotes the use of the environment".
Governing and management organs
The governing and management organs of ADRISS are: The General Assembly and the Executive Committee.In both structures, the main public, economic and social actors in the area of action are represented.
The General Assembly
The General Assembly of Members is the supreme organ of expression of the will of the association and shall be composed of all the members. Its internal organisation and functioning shall be democratic and respectful of plurality.
ADRISS' system of associationism is regulated by the Organic Law 1/2002, of 22 March, regulating the Right of Association.
The number of ADRISS members is 449, the numerical importance of the Association must be added to the balance of its representativeness in a double sense:
- All the most representative social and economic sectors of the territory are represented.
- This representation of the county's social and economic fabric is not evenly distributed numerically, with a notable predominance of business groups and, to a lesser extent, public entities.
Thus, business groups account for 65% of members, individuals for 14%, public operators for 9%, non-public groups for 7% and communities of property for 5%. These figures highlight the participation of all "local actors": associations, town councils, women, young people, entrepreneurs, promoters, AEDL, CEAS, etc., who are the driving force and expression of local development and are, in fact, the protagonists of social dynamisation.
ADRISS members can be natural and legal persons, local entities such as Town Councils, Associations, Cooperatives, other associations of cultural, agricultural, rural, business content...
The Board of Directors
It is the permanent governing organ of ADRISS. It is composed of 15 members:
- 7 Representatives of public entities.
- 8 representatives of private entities, of which 6 represent economic sectors and 2 represent social groups, distributed as follows:
The Board of Directors believes...