
As reflected in Article 2 of its statutes, the purpose of the Association is to "Promote and support local development in the area of action of the Association and of all the municipalities, natural or legal persons that decide to join it".. This development will be carried out through the implementation of consortium programs with the different public administrations, as is the case of the LEADER 2014 - 2020 program.
To implement local development in the different municipal areas incorporated into the Partnership, immediately or according to their respective specificities, through broader strategies and actions that go beyond these specificities.
Promote the practice of local development with the characteristics recognized in the European rural area.
To promote the acquisition of knowledge in the field of rural development and to disseminate this knowledge.
To promote the endogenous development of the rural environment through the application of innovative solutions of a model nature that complement and support the initiatives of the Public Administrations.
To promote, support and encourage all types of cultural and scientific activities for the preservation of Cultural, Artistic, Historical, Architectural and Natural Heritage.
To promote, support and encourage all types of projects, studies and activities related to Sustainable Development, Social Dynamization and the preservation of the Natural, Cultural (traditions, gastronomy, etc.) and artistic Heritage of the Region of Castilla y León in general, as well as all Training Programs for Local Development, Labour Insertion, Daily Life Services, equal opportunities for the socio-labour insertion of women and other areas related to the New Employment Sources.
Improving the skills of professionals in the agricultural and rural sector and of workers, technicians and personnel linked to the agri-food industrial sector.
Promote and encourage research for economic and social, regional and local development.
Promote all kinds of initiatives aimed at promoting activities of general interest to the community, provided that they are in accordance with the law and oriented towards the common good.
Promote, support and encourage actions related to the protection of children and young people; assistance to the elderly, special education and assistance to people with disabilities; assistance to immigrants and ethnic minorities, assistance to people with unshared family responsibilities; community and family social action, social reintegration and crime prevention; and cooperation for development.
Provision of assistance and advice to farmers and stockbreeders, support for the creation and development of micro-enterprises, promotion of tourism activities, basic services for the rural economy and population, renovation and development of rural populations, conservation and improvement of the rural heritage, training, information and territorial cooperation.
Work together to increase and improve international development cooperation and joint actions, in response to the objective interests of peoples and striving to respect their identities.
Supporting projects that are self-managed, so as to generate endogenous development in the Group's area of action.
To encourage in particular the participation of women and young people, immigrants and the disabled, with positive discrimination towards these groups.